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December 14, 2022
crazie mazie from Making A Lather

I haven't started a new quilt. I am just cleaning up the odd scraps near my sewing machine. The fact that the little string blocks are the right size for quiltville's newer pattern crazie mazie is purely a coincidence. Sometimes, a girl, just has to make string blocks. The mess, and the need for no thinking sewing combine, and, string blocks are born.

These are quick, cute little 5 inch blocks that use the smallest bits. I have finished a couple of big quilts lately and I am giving myself a reward.

And any pieces that are too ...

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November 19, 2022
strings for Kismet from Making A Lather

I spent a few evenings at the treadle making string units. I was trying to make ahead, the units for the fish school blocks, I have been making for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I cut fish school blocks for the leader/ ender challenge 2021 and made  quite a few, but, didn't keep up for the year. So, this year I cut for RSC. And, about that time, Bonnie Hunter shared her pattern kismet of her finished fish school. I decided, I wasn't far enough along, that I couldn't switch to kismet for finishing my ...

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September 10, 2022
hole and candy from Making A Lather

I have all the blocks I need to make this rainbow project into a top. I have really enjoyed making this. I liked using my smallest pieces to make the string rectangles into something useful. By using the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. the colors are bright and happy. I have moved them to a box of their own and plan to take them with me to open sews for assembly.

I was one block short of having all the blocks I need for the candy quilt. I felt I needed a chocolate in there someplace.

This block has ...

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August 27, 2022
hole in my scraps from Making A Lather

I am barely finishing these hole in the barn blocks for the month of August and the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.

I think I have nearly all of them that I need for the quilt.

I have a few zipper blocks ready to go. I just don't have many orange scraps. I like orange in quilts, but it isn't an often used color.

still canning from the garden
I am linking to:

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August 20, 2022
candy from Making A Lather

 I have orange cream candy ready for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. They look yummy. I think I am nearly done with these blocks. I still need a bit of licorice and chocolate. I have certainly enjoyed making these this year, and I had PLENTY of strings I needed to use. I am looking for a string project for next year or maybe 100.

This tiny little squash plant taking over the garden was a volunteer from outside the garden, and we weren't sure what the frankensquash would be. It looks to be a regular zucchini. We ...

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August 6, 2022
waffle retirement from Making A Lather

 I have the orange waffle stamp blocks finished for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy, in orange. I have added over 100 blocks this year. But, I am retiring this project to the ufo closet to wait it's turn for assembly. 

and pink

We grew sweet corn this year. And it worked. All our lives we have been near seed corn, and as a courtesy didn't grow it. So, this is new to us. We wondered with our critter problem this year, if we would even find our ears of corn gone one morning. We have a ...

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July 30, 2022
last purple rsc saturday from Making A Lather

This is the last Saturday for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I spent the week finishing what I needed in purple for my rainbow projects. And, I am ready for the new color.

I had a few blue waffle stamp blocks

purple zipper

hunters star

star and crown

And it is sweet corn yummy season here. Our favorite farmer has his stand open and we are loving his corn. We grew a bit but it isn't ready. But it is time to sit out with a bee bee gun and protect it from the critters haha

I ...

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July 23, 2022
sweet tooth from Making A Lather

Every color of candy is my favorite after I make them. All the purple sweet tooth blocks are finished for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I am thinking that I have too many rainbow scrap projects. I am struggling at the end of the month to get them all done. But, I really like them all. Maybe next year I will exercise a little more sense.

This is one of the planters by our back door. I planted the yarrow and the little pansy. The rest of what is growing are volunteers from last year. I didn't ...

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June 4, 2022
blue candy blocks from Making A Lather

I did get the blue candy blocks finished this week for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. This time, I had many more choices of scraps to build these blocks. I have more blue and red scraps than any other color. I was able to go to my Friday group and I did make some progress. It was good to sew again. I think I am ready to tackle blue this month.

I have been canning butter as ghee. While I was at goodwill, trying to dig up some pint canning jars, I started talking to another women and ...

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May 11, 2022
fair and square blocks from Making A Lather

I knew I was going to need more projects to take for our Friday and open sews coming up in April. I decided to dig out Fair and square and see what was next for moving this project along. This has been a puzzle from the beginning

I sewed the string triangles into twosies. I joined the twosies to make blocks.

I added black frames to the blocks.

I thought I was ready to start piecing rows, but the string blocks didn't fit. Back to the instructions -
I needed to trim.

Now, I am ready to make rows.

I ...

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May 9, 2022
string blocks from Making A Lather

I grabbed a bucket of strings and crumbs and started sewing pieces together for my hole in the barn quilt. I feel like I am going to run out of the strips before I am done with all the colors for the rainbow scrap challenge. I only need the rectangles to be 2 1/2 inch wide. It is a great opportunity to use the small pieces.

I am aiming for rectangles that are 2 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches. 

I enjoyed my Mother's day with church and family for dinner. But, it certainly wore me out ...

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April 2, 2022
sweet tooth from Making A Lather

I have my candy blocks ready for April and the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. Angela dropped the hint for the color a little early, so, I quick made crumb blocks and tada.. candy. I have baggies of strings sorted by color for the year.

It looks like I have some cutting to do with my pink scrappy strips. Last year, I was a little overwhelmed with my rsc choices for projects. This year, I was minimal at the start. But, with each passing month, I am adding something new that catches my eye. I think I just really ...

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March 12, 2022
Sweet tooth candy blocks from Making A Lather

I woke up one morning, and, I wanted to make noodles. That was odd. Who wants to make noodles when you can open a bag from the store. The house was quiet, and, I cracked open a few eggs and started. It was a very sentimental time, and filled my heart with love for all the really great women who had taught me how to make noodles. I first thought of my Mother, who has been gone for 20 years. I could see her unrolling those long noodles and she talked about her Mother teaching her. It was an art ...

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July 8, 2021
one monthly goal from Making A Lather

 I am a little late setting my goals for July. 

I really want to keep sewing my sea swept sashing blocks - I hope to finish them this month.

I am sneaking in one of my ufo quilts - Aunt Eliza's star -- on to the longarm. I really want to get it quilted this month.

I haven't been spending much time sewing lately. I need to make a list of the next steps needed on my works in progress, and then, I won't just stare at the mess and not know what to do. A list is much more ...

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April 21, 2021
shirt sandwiches from Making A Lather

Sew day was Saturday with the guild. I had a new project I was anxious to start, and, I wanted to get the borders on this scrappy shirt quilt. I had started the string/crumb borders on Friday. When I laid the quilt out to measure, and cut the borders, I didn't like them at all. Which was a great reason to switch to my exciting new project. That was just what I needed to think about the borders for a bit, and, realize I just needed to keep going. Often, I don't like something at one stage ...

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March 26, 2021
crossed top from Making A Lather

I have a top  for crossed strings. It was such an adventure building the blocks, putting the blocks together, and discovering a top. I think at this point, I will call it done and make a back and binding. I was hoping to have a nice day to take photos, but, no.



It was windy and no sunshine. I think the quilt has more color in real life, but, I like the weave. I still have a whole basket of strings.

I'm linking to:

TGIFF different     here  and here

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March 19, 2021
crossed strings from Making A Lather

Making the longer pieces for crossed strings, although challenging to find long enough pieces, is straightforward. sewing and cutting the side pieces takes a bit longer. I was aiming for 48 blocks. Once again, string piecing makes a mess. I grab a handful, and see if I can pull pieces to use out of the pile. 

After the piece is made and white was added, I still needed to cut it in half.

Of course, the best part is seeing all the block variations with all the different leftover bits and pieces from other projects.

sew much fun -free instructions ...

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March 15, 2021
crossed strings from Making A Lather

I mentioned that my crumby stars had me playing in the strings again. I saw this great idea on Cathy's blog and I had to try it. I started making the long string pieces for the center, but, I couldn't wait to try with the shorter side pieces. Now, I was using mostly crumb pieces, and, I had to piece some strips from shorter pieces to be long enough. I tried eliminating any piece I picked from the basket, either by using in this project, or, sewing them together in another way.

crossed strings

I am a big ...

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March 1, 2021
more wonky courthouse from Making A Lather

I mentioned here that I was cleaning my scrappy work table and started a quilt.... just like that. This will be my third wonky courthouse steps. I haven't even quilted the first two. I have more strings and crumbs than I have time. These go so quickly and are such great fun. I am aiming for 63 blocks this time. I had a basket that I almost emptied, but, it is only one of several. So I filled it again with more.

lots of great leftovers in here

It's time in Indiana for maple syrup. We have a ...

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February 27, 2021
yellow stars from Making A Lather

I have more sunshiny yellow blocks made for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I have started crumb stars just this year. I sit for one evening sewing crumbs in the color of the month. However many I can cut from that, is how many I can make for the month.  I am cutting the centers at 4 1/2 inches and using 2 1/2   HSTS - ( half square triangles )

I made 10 yellow tiny houses, but, one has played the vanishing game. Maybe it found an empty lot somewhere warm.

I managed to get the Bonnie Hunter free ...

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